Clarke & Associates welcomes Deion Lewis-Smith to the practice as Graduate Engineer.
March 2020

Clarke & Associates congratulates Maxwell Jones on his promotion to Director.
February 2020

Clarke & Associates welcomes Philip Goodall to the practice as Senior Engineer.
January 2020

Clarke & Associates congratulates Maxwell Jones on his promotion to Associate.
Tuesday 3rd January 2012

Clarke & Associates welcomes Ian Green to the practice as Technical Director.
September 2015

Clarke & Associates congratulates Maxwell Jones on his promotion to Associate.
Tuesday 3rd January 2012

As part of Tarmac's new Sand and Gravel Plant at Colchester Quarry, Clarke & Associates Limited liased with Moisture Reduction System to install their patented pumping solution, as detailed in the March 2007 edition of Quarry Management magazine.
Monday 23rd April 2007

Tarmac's new Sand and Gravel Plant at Colchester Quarry appeared in an article of the February 2007 edition of Quarry Management magazine. Clarke & Associates Limited designed the civils and water management for the plant.
Friday 23rd March 2007

Website has been updated to new format, menu structure, etc. webmaster test!
Friday 23rd February 2007

Wainwrights' new Asphalt plant at Moons Hill Quarry, appeared in the January 2007 edition of Quarry Management magazine, for which Clarke & Associates Limited designed the civils work.
Friday 23rd February 2007

Tarmac's new Sand and Gravel Plant at Colchester Quarry appeared on the front cover of the December 2006 edition of Quarry Management magazine, as an advert for Duo Plant. Clarke & Associates Limited designed the civils and water management for the plant.
Friday 23rd February 2007